Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In (and other rambles)

And up we go - 163.1.  I know I did not gain 2lbs of fat this week.  Actually I had a pretty good week of eating and working out.  My problem is that I did not drink enough water this weekend and can totally feel the bloat. 

But onto the good.  My scale has a body fat analyzer so I randomly pushed that button the other day.  It's been months since I checked that portion of scale numbers and to my surprise it was down at least 3%!  Whoop Whoop!  So even though that pesky scale number isn't going down as much as I would like as fast as I would like, progress is being made.

Saturday I had a had time motivating myself to go out for a run.  My legs were a bit achey from some workouts that I did during the week.  I finally convinced myself to lace up my shoes and just go.  I got 5 miles in.  I did cheat and briefly walk up 2 steeper sections of hills.  I did notice that my form is much better when I'm passing by people.  I need to try and pay attention to that more when I'm running. 

This morning I did treadmill walking and lower body weights.  Tonight is Zumba with some friends!  It will be my first time doing it in public and I'm totally prepared to look like a fool. :)


  1. I think my scale lies. Body fat part and all.
    Enjoy Zumba!

  2. all the scale lies! Mine was up today but all my clothing feel the same so I know its not true. :)

  3. For what it's worth, when I'm running a lot I rarely lose any weight, but my clothes start to fit completely differently. I think things just reditribute. Enjoy Zumba!

  4. Oh the scales definitely do lie! I always say that the scale sees me coming and automatically computes out the same number to the tenth. haha.

    I actually need to run to lose weight. I don't know what it is about my body, but if I don't run I don't lose. That also could have attributed to last week since I was only able to run on Saturday. The other days were different workouts. C'est la vie, it's just a number. I feel great and really that's all that matters. :)

  5. Great job on the body fat %. I think we're all bound to have weird weeks where the scale goes up when it shouldn't and down when you think it wouldn't!

    I find my running posture improves when I am passing people! Something about knowing they are watching makes me want to pretend I'm a "real" runner. It was especially bad at the start of the New Year. I felt like everyone was thinking "new years resolution. I give it one week" I wanted to shout I've been doing this a year I'm just still this slow!
