Here I am getting ready to head over to the start line. All nice and clean.
The run went in waves. It was a sea of white ahead of us.
At one point on the course you go over a bridge and could see down to everyone ahead of you.
Yellow color station. This was the one color that got really congested.
All done
When I got home. Right after the run my friends and I went to a diner for breakfast. Well if that didn't result in a lot of questions about why we were such a colorful bunch.
I did try to preserve the shirt by using the steps listed on their website, but it didn't really work. Every wash there seems to be less and less coloring. I'm about ready to just bleach the whole shirt again because it's to the point of it looking like I washed a white shirt with clothes that bled while in the wash.
I also did spinning for the first time. That I absolutely loved and can't wait to go again and now that my run training is over I will be able to. It was from a groupon deal so I have 5 classes left since the first was free. I was also able to go to some amazing zumba classes/events. I recently bought a groupon for another gym that offers zumba classes so I'll have to start to figure out when I can fit that into my schedule too. So that is what I have been up to, along with trying to fit in run training for the Rock and Roll Half that I just did.
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