Monday, November 21, 2011

Case of the Mondays

Today I had a case of the Mondays.  I did not want to get up for the gym and my husband had to leave a little earlier for work than usual so my gym time would have been cut short so I stayed in bed.  I do regret it a bit, but today is a pretty uneventful day for me and the boys, so I'm sure I'll get to do some kind of workout during the day. 

This weekend was not as successful as last weekend.  I didn't do too bad  with eating considering my friends and I had our dinner club on Saturday and the theme was Mexican.  I ended up not getting my run in.  My husband and I have a little furniture building gig on the side and right now everyone is wanting tables for Thanksgiving so I wasn't able to squeeze in the time for a run.  BUT my friend who hosted the dinner club won a Wii Zumba Houseparty so we played that for a bit after we ate.  Now that was fun and I'm actually considering finding a place around here to do Zumba every now and then.  I also added the Kinect version onto my Christmas list. 

I'm not even going to attempt scheduling my workouts for this week.  My husbands work schedule is messed up due to the holiday and we'll be away for a few days, so I'll just be happy with what I can get done. 

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