Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Saturday deals

One thing I love besides working out is finding great deals.  It's quite a joy when I'm able to combine the 2 of deal finding and work-out/health related.  That is what happened Saturday.

Its April, and in this area that means one of the prime months for yard sales.  Saturday the fam and myself headed out to see if we could find anything at a town-wide yard sale a few towns over from here.  We only had a short period of time because the oldest had a tball game in the morning.  For the most part we lucked out until the boys saw a dump truck sitting on a table.  You know because we don't already have a bunch.  As I was looking around at that house I saw Jillian Michael's 30 day shred.  $1!  I've been wanting to get it since it's no longer offered on the cables On Demand.  Sweet!  Later that day I found myself at TJ Maxx where I came across a hand held water bottle.  I've been wanting to get one since I'll be starting training for the half soon.  They also had a water belt, but I opted for the bottle since I think the belt will get on my nerves.  So for under $7 here is what I picked up Saturday:

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