Thursday, February 16, 2012

Get out of bed sleepy head

Can I just say I am so ready for this week to be over?  These past 2 weeks of having my regular workout routine being off is really starting to take a toll on me.  I'm really trying to stay motivated but it's starting to wear very thin.  I'm ready for Saturday when I can get a good workout in and get my mojo back.  I need a workout where the sweat is pouring off of me.  I think this morning was the first morning that I got my butt out of bed for the Jillian Michael's 6week 6pack.  I've slacked.  I always say I'm going to workout at night, but when that night comes I'm just tired and lacking the push I need to change my clothes for a workout.  This morning I brought my butt out and got the workout done.  And it felt great.  Why can't I remember how great that feels?  And why do I have such a problem getting out of bed to workout at home but such an easy time to hop out of bed to head to the gym?  I have a goal reward for finishing the 6 week 6 pack - a new haircut and highlights.  That is what I try to remember when I feel like putting it off just one more day. 

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