Saturday, February 18, 2012

Well that was ugly

This morning I woke up and headed out for a run.  My normal run for a Saturday until I start training for the half is between 5-6 miles.  I do the same route every time.  I'm in South Jersey, which is pretty darn flat, but I swear I picked a route that has every possible incline in the immediate area.  My head was in the run.  My heart was in the run.  But apparently my legs missed the memo on what they were supposed to be doing.  They did not warm up and get loose the entire time.  During the run I was blaming it on the lack of real exercise the past 2 weeks, but when I got home and was fixing myself breakfast, I realized what the issue probably was.  This week I ate not very good and lacked in the water intake.  So all those factors probably contributed to a miserable hour.  But the good news is that yes I put the miles in.  So I had to walk up pretty much every incline.  But I finished.  And that is what is important.  Now I can eat some Chinese food for dinner and then start afresh with getting my healthy eating habits back and drink drink drink that water.  I need to get another gallon container that I can fill up and leave on the counter every day so I am aware of how much I am drinking (or not drinking).  When I did that I really felt great and had some great runs.  So there it is, that was my bad run day.  Here's to a better run next week and a good week coming ahead.

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