Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The new me

When October arrived and my son was just about to turn 1, I was weighing in in the upper 170's-low 180's depending on the day.  I made the decision that I HAD to do something about my weight.  I had to do something for me, for my husband and most importantly for my kids.  I wanted to be the mom who had lots of energy.  I want to be around for my kids for a long time. 
I decided to begin waking up early so I could get to the gym and be back before my husband had to leave for work.  The nightime gym routine wasn't working for me because I would make up so many excuses about why I couldn't go.  I set my alarm for 5am and began my new gym routine.  Not long after I got my routine down, my husband was promoted to a new position.  Great!  However it now meant he had to leave work earlier.  I began waking at 4am.  I love going to the gym so early because it is so quiet at that time.  I was very slowly losing weight.  Between October and right before Christmas I lost almost 7 lbs.  Between Christmas and New Years I gained that weight right back.
New Years Eve I went online and signed up for Weight Watchers again.  I wanted to give the new points plus program a try.
So here I am now.  I love the new Weight Watchers program.  I continue to wake up at 4am M-F for the gym.  22 days into my new routine I have lost just about 7 lbs.  Last week after going through some pictures from a few years ago, I decided I needed to stay focused on the Couch to 5k program (c25k) that i have been doing here and there.  I found a 5k that I will be signing up for that is in April.  I seem to lose weight easily when I run.
I want to be that mom that people look at and say - wow you have kids?  I want to look great in clothes again.  I want to be proud of me and have my sons and husband proud of me.  Most importantly I want to be comfortable being me. 
My weight loss goal is to lose about 40lbs this year.  If I don't make it, I want to at least lose as much as I can, but stay focused.


  1. Wow ... you wake up at 4am to go work out? That is some SERIOUS dedication! Congratulations!

    BTW, I just found your blog and am catching up from the beginning. Enjoying it so far :) Keep it up!
