Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Try it Tuesday

This weeks Try it Tuesday is one of my favorite core strengthening exercises - the plank


    • 1
      Lie facedown on an exercise mat, legs extended, and place your elbows under your shoulders, resting your forearms on the ground, palms facing each other in loose fists.
    • 2
      Curl your toes under and push up through your abdominal muscles onto the toes and balls of your feet, creating a straight line from the top of your head to your feet.
    • 3
      Distribute your weight evenly between your forearms and feet. Keep your ab muscles engaged, lengthen your neck and relax your shoulders to keep your body stabilized.
    • 4
      Extend your arms, pulling up onto your hands in a full plank, as you would if you were starting a push-up. Maintain the length of the spine.
    • 5
      Hold plank for 10 to 20 seconds, working up to a minute.

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