Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

I was very proud of myself this weekend.  I made healthy decisions with food, especially at the BBQ on Saturday.  The scale says 166.6 so a minus .6 for the week, better than a gain which is what normally happens on a Monday.  I do have to say I prefer my Friday weigh in days compared to Mondays because I always weigh so much less on Thursdays and Fridays. 

Today was my first day back at the gym in almost a week.  My cough is still there, but not as bad.  Now I'm back to thinking it's allergies again because the pollen count was higher over the weekend and the cough was worse.  I also feel fine other than the cough.  So hopefully it goes away soon because it is rather annoying.

Today I started the 100 push-up challenge that I first heard of from Jen over at Runner Maybe.  For my initial test I managed 6.  I'm interested to see if I will actually be able to do 100 because if I am it will be a miracle.  In the meantime I'm just still trying to get my rocking summer arms. 

Now I'm off to convince my oldest that he does not need to wear a 3 piece suit to school on beach day.  I've never known a boy who loves to dress up as much as my son.  I really think I'm raising Alex P Keaton here.

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