Monday, June 6, 2011

Hello there Monday

This morning was one of those mornings where my plans went right out the window.  Last night right as I was getting ready to hop in bed, the little one woke up.  He's been dealing with horrible seasonal allergy issues over the weekend.  I finally got him back to sleep around 11 and switched my alarm so I'd wake up and just go running rather than the gym and then running.  That would give me 6 hrs of sleep as long as I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.  4:56am - guess who wakes up?  The little one.  The husband wakes up with him while I try to secretly get ready to leave; however the little one catches a glimpse of me and then only wants Mooommmmmyyyy!  So I ditch the workout and cuddle with the little guy on the couch.  We both fall back asleep and wake up at 7 when the oldest comes bouncing in the room full of energy.  So now my plan is to run tonight after the little one goes to bed - so around 8 - it's still light out so I'll be fine running outside.  I always so I'm going to workout at night, but it never happens.  If that's the case again,it will be fine.  We're walking down to the park and playing around there today so I will be getting some exercise.  I also have a few workouts here at home for strength training I will be doing for sure.  In all that this morning, I forgot to weigh-in so I'll do it tomorrow.  Today is also measurement day!  That post will follow. 

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