Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I guess I should have watched the weather before going to bed last night.  I set my alarm for 5am so I could get up and do a run around our neighborhood.  A few minutes after 4 we were awoken by a thunderstorm.  So that totally changed the way my day was to begin.  Yes I could have just gotten out of bed and headed to the gym, since that's my normal time anyways, but thunderstorms are not easy around our house at nighttime.  The oldest woke up and wanted daddy to lay with him.  I have to keep a hold of our dog because he's a pain and barks like crazy at thunder.   If one of holds onto his harness, he doesn't bark.  If he barks, then BOTH kids will wake up.  Seriously why can't I have a dog that is scared of thunder and will hide under the bed?

But my big revelation this week deals with food.  Like I said before I switched to My Fitness Pal rather than Weight Watchers just for a change up since I've been on such a plateau.  One thing I really love about MFP is that it keeps tabs on nutritional factors.  There has been a a pattern just about every day.   I take in too much sugar.  Just yesterday alone I was already at 60g just after breakfast and a snack.   According to MFP I should only be taking in 39g.  So now I'm being more vigilant about the amount of sugar intake.  One of my biggest downfalls is fruit, well and coffee creamer.  I LOVE fruit.  LOVE LOVE LOVE it!  I just need to find a nice balance.  I like drinking a Slim Fast shake here and there after a workout and while I prepare everyone's breakfast.  But I often start my day with coffee and creamer.  I hate the taste of coffee so I add lots of creamer.  Those 2 drinks alone are almost my full days worth of creamer.  So it's now going to be one or the other and not both on the same day.

I was rather pleasantly surprised this morning when I stepped on the scale today.  Hopefully that surprise will last longer and the number won't go back up.


  1. Cappucion Flavored Slim Fast my help with morning coffee and slimfast - not sure on the sugar content though, but I like the taste.

  2. Congrats! MFP has been working well for me to this past week! And thanks for the sugar reminder. I've been tracking calories, carbs, fat, protein and sodium but I'll switch the sodium to sugar and see what it looks like. Keep it up!

  3. Thanks Zoey.

    I'll have to search for that flavor Jen. I know my Target has only had Milk Chocolate.
