Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Last night we had freezing rain, so once again I wasn't able to make it to the gym this morning.  I'll try to do some kind of workout during the day today.  My oldest has preschool for a few hours.  Yesterday I found taebo on youtube.  I used to do Taebo all.the.time. in college.  It brought back some memories and I was surprised that for the most part I actually remembered what moves came next!  I did the exercise when the youngest was napping.  The oldest was playing with his Etcha Sketch.  Of course as soon as he finished his design each time, he would come over and want to show it to me.  A simple, oh that's nice wouldn't suffice.  I had to stop and take a good look at it. 

Yesterday I had the munchies bad.  I tried to make sure I accounted for everything I ate.  I just hate being stuck inside the house as much as I have been due to the weather or the kids being sick.  Of course I forgot I bought celery until the day was almost over.  Today will be a better day.

I really wish I would have done measurements at the beginning of my journey.  My clothes are fitting so much better and I would love to know how many inches I've lost, not just a number on the scale.  I have a tape measure around here somewhere, I just need to find it.

"No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change."
-Bill Phillips

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