Saturday, March 5, 2011

First outdoor run

This morning I woke up and headed down to the park for a run.  I had downloaded an app for my Android that is from mapmyrun so I would know exactly how far I ran.  Basing it off of how long it takes to run the long loop, I'm pretty sure that loop is close to 1 mile.  Apparently during the run I must have hit the pause button and disabled the GPS before the phone locked (I need to get an armband for the phone if I continue to use the phone instead of my ipod during a run) so it didn't fully record the whole run for me.  I ended up running the loop 4 times, so I would say somewhere between 3.5-4 miles.  I did walk 2 times for 1-2 minutes each.  The first time was after 1 loop around.  It was taking some adjusting getting used to being outdoors again, dealing with the grades and headwind.  The second time was after doing one of the small hills.  My legs were burning!  After the second loop around I was feeling great.  I had my form back, especially when going up the little hills and was feeling strong. I'm looking forward to next Saturday when I can do another run outside.

My parents are in town.  I offered a few ideas for lunch and dinner that I could prepare for everyone, but it was voted to eat out for both meals.  For lunch we picked up hoagies from Wawa.  One of my favorite parts of a hoagie is also the least healthiest, mayo.  I ordered a little bit of mayo instead of extra so I consider that an accomplishment. And you know what?  I didn't even miss it on the sandwich.  For dinner we went to a local diner.  I was having such difficulty trying to figure out what to order.  Normally when we go out I have a light lunch such as a salad so I could have those points to use for dinner.  I ended up ordering breakfast.  It's one of my favorites when I go there because they have good homefries.   I had 2 eggs scrambled, some kind of grain/wheat toast (had them hold the butter on the toast) and yummy homefries.  My belly felt full afterwards but I didn't have that "ugh why did I eat that" feeling that I often get after eating out. 

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